Radio Interviews for authors

These days each and every author wants to do radio interviews to get more exposure for his books and with so many internet radio programs this is not a difficult task to complete. The Goal is not necessary to be on the mainstream radio program but to be on the right one with the right audience for the subject of the book and find a host who knows how to deal with this subject and how to engage the audience.

A good radio interviewer helps the audience to delve into the imagination of writers and the authors have a chance to reveal something of their imagination, the characters personalities which readers will love or hate  and the plots that have audience reading late into the night, to know what happens next.

Now after such a long introduction I will give an example. I had to promote a book on a very emotional subject, abduction and human trafficking inspired by a true story. Doing my research for a radio which deals with such issues I was lucky enough to find this one,

2011answers4thefamilyblogheader61which I thought is the perfect match and I’ll tell you why.

Mr.Allen Cardoza is a licensed private investigator and an instructor of Non-Violent Crisis Intervention and he has more than 30 years experience dealing with international abduction, families with teens runaways and youth “at risk” and many other issues.

His partner Marvin Smith is the founder of Micro – Enterprise Academy, a charter school foundation and community – based youth enrichment program.

Here is their interview with Mr.Patrick Brigham – the author of ABDUCTION-An Angel Over Rimini, listen to it and you will understand how important is to find the right radio program for an author.

Final CoverListen the interview here

Thank you Mr.Cardoza, Mr.Smith and Janet  for such a wonderful interview.

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15 thoughts on “Radio Interviews for authors

  1. As I mentioned on Facebook, Madi, I listened to the interview with Patrick and was impressed first by his scope of knowledge but also by the two hosts, Alan and Marvin and how they explored various ramifications and related areas. I hope I do half as well.

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